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...an unlimited resource
It’s not enough to be the change. Now we must do the change. Both inner and outer change are necessary - now more than ever before.
The greatest antidote to external chaos lies in the cultivation of internal clarity. Internal clarity comes from a combination of self observation, and integrating new distinctions.
It is far easier to make beneficial change when you have the idea that something is Possible. Probably you have not already changed things because you simply never met the Possibility that you could do it.
Possibility is an infinite resource.
- Clinton Callahan
...an unlimited resource
It’s not enough to be the change. Now we must do the change. Both inner and outer change are necessary - now more than ever before.
The greatest antidote to external chaos lies in the cultivation of internal clarity. Internal clarity comes from a combination of self observation, and integrating new distinctions.
It is far easier to make beneficial change when you have the idea that something is Possible. Probably you have not already changed things because you simply never met the Possibility that you could do it.
...an unlimited resource
It’s not enough to be the change. Now we must do the change. Both inner and outer change are necessary - now more than ever before.
The greatest antidote to external chaos lies in the cultivation of internal clarity. Internal clarity comes from a combination of self observation, and integrating new distinctions.
It is far easier to make beneficial change when you have the idea that something is Possible. Probably you have not already changed things because you simply never met the Possibility that you could do it.
“One man’s magic is another man’s technology.”
- Robert A. HeinleinPossibility is a Bright Principle, an archetypal force of nature, a differentiated ray of the raw consciousness out of which the Universe is spun.
It is possible for a human being to become a space through which the Bright Principle of Possibility can do its work in the world.
This website (and Clinton Callahan's forthcoming book...) is about facilitating the agency of Possibility.
If this happens to turn you on, your life will no longer be your own, and, you will experience a better life than you could ever have arranged for yourself.Submit
Possibility is precious powerful stuff. However, preparations on your part are required before Possibility will adopt you as its agent.
Would you be hired as a high-voltage electrician if you were not already skilled at handling high voltage? No, of course not.
...an unlimited resource
It’s not enough to be the change. Now we must do the change. Both inner and outer change are necessary - now more than ever before.
The greatest antidote to external chaos lies in the cultivation of internal clarity. Internal clarity comes from a combination of self observation, and integrating new distinctions.
It is far easier to make beneficial change when you have the idea that something is Possible. Probably you have not already changed things because you simply never met the Possibility that you could do it.
Same with Possibility.
What would you do with Possibility if a huge pile of the stuff suddenly lands in your lap?
How would you whip up more Possibility if you need it and there is none available?
This website with its resources and links will support you becoming a person with the profession of managing Possibility… a so-called ‘Possibilitator’.
No one can do it for you. No one can stop you from doing it.
May your journey be Bright.
In logic, possibility implies the absence of a contradiction.
For example, in Hellenistic Greece, logicians said:
“The possible is that which either is, or will be, true.”
“The possible is that which is not prevented, by anything, from happening, even if it does not happen.”
These considerations may prove useful in thinking about the concept of Possibility. However, the actions of creating, expanding, diminishing, transforming, or extinguishing possibility require 5 Body experiential engagement, rather than a merely intellectual one.
This is because a Possibilitator is at risk for causing, transforming, or eliminating results, in reality.
...an unlimited resource
It’s not enough to be the change. Now we must do the change. Both inner and outer change are necessary - now more than ever before.
The greatest antidote to external chaos lies in the cultivation of internal clarity. Internal clarity comes from a combination of self observation, and integrating new distinctions.
It is far easier to make beneficial change when you have the idea that something is Possible. Probably you have not already changed things because you simply never met the Possibility that you could do it.
Spreading the above beliefs, assumptions, conclusions, projections, stories, etc., is how the Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware of modern culture protects itself from changing.
You, of course, do not have to conform yourself to these thoughtware limitations.
You are a Possibilitator.
Does a brain surgeon conform herself to the worldview of a dog catcher? Not if she wants to serve her village as a brain surgeon.
Each individual has his or her own perception of reality as created by the filters and fantasies of their Box (belief system, comfort zone, worldview, survival strategy, comfort zone, personality, etc.)
By noticing how each person lives in their personally-edited version of reality, it can be easy to conclude that, because each of us perceives the world through our own eyes, reality itself changes from person to person.
While it is true that everyone perceives reality differently, reality could not care less about your perceptions.
As has been said, "Reality is hard and persistent, and will kick you in the ass every time."
This is when it becomes valuable to study exactly what shapes a person's perceptions.
Adding to the illusion of a malleable reality is, how, if given nearly identical circumstances (age, education, money, resources, etc.), different individuals can create completely different results. This is why you may have seen the importance of 'finding the right person for the job'.
Your ability to create Possibility depends on four faculties:
1. An accurate perception of current reality.
2. A clear vision of what you want to create.
3. A highly developed ability to cause and navigate (consciously feel) inner and outer 5 Body Liquid States.
4. A love of staying in awe in a Minimized NOW with your Sword Of Clarity to hand, and then Improvising.
Possibiity Management is the study and practical application of how to create different results from a given set of circumstances. This forces Possibility Management be an evolutionary Path, and requires that a Possibilitator be centered, grounded, bubbled, and able to create and navigate Liquid States.
Thus you arrive at the Possibilitator aphorism: "If you want to change the results but you cannot change the circumstances, then change what is possible."
In creating new Possibility it becomes central to also develop awarenesses, perceptions, understandings, and skills relating to how to destroy or block Possibility.
A plumber's metaphor can help: "There are two ways to obtain more hot water (Possibility). Turn up the hot water, or turn down the cold water." Since Possibility is an Archetypal force of Nature, maximum Possibility is almost always present and available. Therefore, a Possibilitator may gain the most effectiveness by learning how to turn down the cold water.
The 700+ websites listed at https://spaceport.mystrikingly.com share our research and discoveries, so far, about how to experiment and train yourself to connect in with the Bright Principle of Possibility and become a Possibilitator, a Person Of Agency.
In comparison with the many 'specialist' professions such as programmer, trader, lawyer, doctor, etc., serving your village as a Possibilitator is a 'generalist' profession. The old addage is: "Jack of All Trades, master of none."
What has been overlooked in this viewpoint is that a Jack of All Trades is a master of the 'Jack of All Trades' trade.
Given how unstable things are, and how fast things change these days, being able to create useful results in unknown and repidly evolving circumstances could be one of the most useful trades of all.
The only trade that might be even more useful is the trade of training Possibilitator Trainers... or even one step more amazing, the trade of training Possibilitator Trainer Trainers.
Avoiding Possibilities
Why is it that we think we don’t have enough time when we have all the time there is: we have all the time that anyone else has, and we are choosing every moment what to do with that time? If we choose to do anything it is only because we have made time to do it. If we choose ever to not do something, we simply do not make the time to do that thing. We are time makers! Yet we try to blame other people or the circumstances for choosing what we make time for! This is truly amazing!
Many of us hand over our lives to some little voice from our mind that says, “I’m tired! I’m exhausted! I have to have one of those! I can’t do this! I deserve a break today!” and then choose to go unconscious, thinking that things should be some way other than the way they are. It is amazing that we do not simply enjoy things as they are, or reinvent our experience of them if we want.
We typically glance over the dry, barren landscape of our life, looking for minimalized, mediocre opportunities, rather than realizing that we ourselves hold up the veil that makes the surrounding look dry and barren. We refuse to bathe in the ocean of possibilities spreading out in every direction in every moment. We make the wealth of
options that are sitting at our feet invisible and inaccessible. Rather than creating noble, lively, juicy, dynamic, dignified, challenging opportunities for ourselves and others out of available materials, or better yet, out of
nothingness (a material which is readily at hand, anytime, anywhere, for no cost – if we have the space for it!), we go around like crippled elephants at a fashion show thinking there is no opportunity to be found, and that nobody
loves us besides.It is amazing that we have made ourselves afraid of the power of insanity. Without knowing it, one of our first considerations in making any decisions is whether or not we will appear to be sane. If the gap between our possible
behavior and the appearance of sanity is too great, we will not do it. If the gap between the behavior of someone else and what is typically recognized as sane behavior is too great, we will call the police. By rejecting anything
that even appears to be insane we simultaneously reject one of our greatest powers: the power of incongruity.
Insanity is where nonlinear possibilities and 'orthogonal moves' come from.Relationship is an act of ongoing nonlinear creation. If we do not have access to insanity, we cannot go nonlinear
to create aliveness in relationship. We are too terrified to invent. No wonder relationship seem dead. We straightjacket ourselves so that we appear to be sane, but our pretended civility asphyxiates the dynamo of human interactions.In each moment relationship is sourced through invention. Love is invented. Right here, by you, with what you have right now. Life without inventing love is like trying to be happy when you find an outdated coupon for thirty cents off a jar of mayonnaise, lying faded on a dirt road.
In the moment you commit to being the source of love in your life (or the source of love in someone else’s life, or, if you are really insane, a source of love in life itself) even though you do not know how, life becomes simultaneously horrifying and exhilarating, the most fulfilling of endeavors.
(You may think that you already know what this means, but consider the possibility that you do not. Consider the possibility that you do not even know that you do not know what this means. This is not new-age philosophy. This is consciousness expansion happening. There is a big difference. You can discover the difference.)
You have become an expert in avoiding possibilities.You can prove this to yourself by doing the following experiment: If you really wanted to be loving in any situation, find out who stops you. Really. Find out who is it that is stopping you from being loving and go meet them, intimately, in person. Meet them and create the kind of communication vacuum in which they are willing to tell you exactly why, in each incident, in excruciating detail, why they are stopping you from being loving.
Learn first-hand and personally about the unlimited resources that modern culture knows nothing about. Many doorways are given to you below. The thing about doorways is that you have to be at the door before you can go through the door. If you are at a doorway and do not go through the door, you may never find the doorway again. On the other hand, if you are at a doorway and you go through the door, the door may close behind you and you may never be able to go back to the way you were before. This is the game of doors.
Modern culture is obsessed with converting so-called natural resources into cash. The activity is pitifully childish. These are limited materials that when mined, cut down, pumped out, and burned pollute Earth's ecosystems and then will be gone forever. Human beings have difficulty understanding what 'forever' means. When a species dies, it dies 'forever'. There is much to grieve for right now. Humans who find the path of authentic adulthood initiations discover both internal and external resources that are inexhaustible. These are archetypal resources that are unlimited.
Creating Possibility
Possibility is one of the most valuable things in the Universe. With Possibility on your side as a resource, you can invent, transform, create, evolve, and create solutions for any problem. There is no longer a lack of options to choose from. Learning to create and apply Possibility involves a new set of skills delivered in the trainings and websites of Possibility Management (http://possibilitymanagement.org).
There are as many ways to create and manage Possibility as there are recipes for bread. Perhaps more...
The website https://spaceport.mystrikingly.com provides a list of links to over 650 websites, each one of which offers you ways to distinguish and practice creating possibility. What are you going to do about it?
Not only that, but we have also built the website https://createpossibility.mystrikingly.com to guide and support you removing your blocks from, and healing your wounds about, creating possibility.
Any other questions?
The true answer to the question, "How do I do it?" is, "Yes."
...implying that burying yourself in considerations about how to do something may well be the exact technique you are using to block yourself from engaging the Go! Beep! Shift! Go! evolutionary path of simply doing it.
Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Experiments In Possibility
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no on can stop you from experiment...
Well, actually... you can stop you from experimenting... probably you have been.
Fortunately, you can start over.
No one can start over for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from starting over.
Starting over about Being An Experimenter is an interesting Experiment.
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayeronline-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate yourpoint of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what youthink about. Your thoughtware is what you useto think with. When you change your thoughtware,you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring uptransformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade yourthoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points wewill change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading thiswhole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code POSSIBIL.00 to log yourMatrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!